Here's another post on vegan shopping. Seasoning is the secret to any great meal. If you don't know how to season your cooked dish, then buy it off the shelve may be the best alternative.
Here is a bottle of organic miso paste. This is the main ingredient of the Japanese miso soup. With this seasoning you can make your own miso soup at home. All you need is some soft tofu cut into cubes, some pieces of dry seaweed, and some golden mushroom. Boil a pot of water and put all the ingredients into the pot and stir with the miso paste. It is really simple and easy to try.
Cook vegan miso soup. Save lives. Save our planet.
Labels: veggie shopping
Lasm's story told @11:55 PM

"2 minutes to change the world" is a global warming initiative participated by more than 25 countries world wide to awaken the public on the imminent danger of global warming and its simple solution - the vegan or vegetarian diet.
Global warming is the most pressing and most urgent issue of our time. It's a time bomb that is slated to go off and kill everyone on earth. It is even more urgent than any other issues the governments of the world can think of.. Forget about terrorism, global warming is even more urgent than that and poses a security threat that no police in the world can overcome.

Yet, for all the danger to the survival of our species, the solution is also in our hands. Just stop eating meat !! And you will help to stop global warming gas being emitted to the environment. It is so simple.. Time to act now !!

Young and old alike, climate change is going to strike everyone down if we do not take any action. Change your diet to vegan, animal-free diet now !! We only have 1,428 days left to change our diet before it is all too late.. do your part !!
Labels: news, suntec
Lasm's story told @12:10 PM

When I think of fried kway teow, I remembered the mobile hawker near my house in my youth. The kway teow seller had a secret ingredient that keeps his customer coming to him again and again. That secret ingredient is the sweet sticky black soy sauce. Well I don't have the sweet sauce, so I have to make do with ordinary dark soy sauce.
3 small vegetarian sausages
4 vegetarian fish balls
3 dry shitakae mushrooms
1 bunch of french beans
1 packet fresh hor-fun or kway teow
2 teaspoon vegetarian seasoning powder
3 teaspoon dark and light soy sauce
1 teaspoon sea salt
1 tablespoon vegetable cooking oil
1) Soak the dried shitakae mushroom in a small bowl of water for 10 minutes
till it soften. Then cut off the stem and slice the mushroom.
2) Cut off the end part of french beans and chop into 1 inch pieces.
3) slice the vegetarian fish ball into half, then slice each half again.
4) chop the vegetarian sausage into small manageable pieces.
5) prepare a small bowl to add vegetarian seasoning powder, dark and light soy sauce and mix thoroughly.
1) Heat up a flat frying pan or Chinese wok with some cooking oil.
2) Add in the shitakae mushrooms and french beans first, stir fry a while and cover the frying pan or wok with a cover for 3 minutes.
3) Add in the vegetarian sausages and sliced vegetarian fish balls and stir fry another 3 minutes.
4) Pour in the seasoning and soy sauce mixture and cover the pan to let the vegetables cook for 5 minutes.
5) Finally put all the hor fun or kway teow and stir fry for another 5 minutes until the kway teow becomes dry. You can optionally add in some bean sprouts. Add some sea salt and optionally some pepper and tomato ketchup if you prefer.
Labels: home cooking, vegan
Lasm's story told @6:57 PM

Supreme Master Television will broadcast live conference with former Philippines President Fidel Ramos today February 21 2009
at 9:10 a.m. Central European Time (Paris)
4:10 p.m. Local Formosa Time
This Video Conference is entitled : Act Now For a More Peaceful and Safer World.
The Guest of Honor will be the former President of Philippines Mr. Fidel Ramos and Supreme Master Ching Hai.

Saturday Feb 21 2009
Buenos Aires 6:10
Mexico City 2:10
Sydney 19:10
Cape Town 10:10
Moscow 11:10
Taipei 16:10
London 8:10
New Delhi 13:40
Tehran 11:40
Los Angeles 0:10
Paris 9:10
Tokyo 17:10
Labels: news
Lasm's story told @12:22 PM
= 爱之病 (乱性) +
禽流感 (杀鸡) +
癫牛症 (杀牛) +
猪瘟 (杀猪) +
大肠癌 (吃肉) +
心藏病 (吃肉) +
高血压 (吃肉) +
糖尿病 (吃肉) +
前列腺癌(吃肉) 等等
你还敢吃肉吗 ?
醒来吧 ! 是时候了!
吃素、提升道德、阔大爱心,救人、救地球 !
Lasm's story told @2:09 PM

Be a vegan or a vegetarian. Leave the animals alone, don't eat them,
that is how you can sleep in peace, without any worries, without any guilty feelings.
Chicken is not food; fried chicken is fried cruelty.
To kill is to be killed.
In school we learned the basic science that Action and reaction are equal and opposite.
In spirituality there is a similar law known as karma, "Do as you would have others done unto you."
Be good. Be kind. Be merciful. That will attract goodness, kindness and mercy to you.
If you do evil, kill animals for food without any feeling of remorse or regret, than expect the same treatment when you time on Earth runs out.
Labels: stop eating meat
Lasm's story told @6:15 PM

In this series, we will shopping specifically for home cooking purposes, so we will show case some common vegetarian or vegan shopping products, whether it is fresh, organic or frozen.
We start off with a simple vegetarian corn soup powder. This is very useful to keep at home when you want to make creamy corn soup. To add the creaminess to the soup you can put in flour like tapioca flour or rice flour powder. The soup powder alone is enough if all you want is instant tasty soup, but if you add in more fresh ingredients, such as carrots, vegetables and mushrooms, the result will be excellent.
Some product contain dehydrated vegetables. This product, for example, contains dehydrated corn and peas, so if you boil it long enough, you will also get to eat some pieces of corn in the soup.
Labels: home cooking, veggie shopping
Lasm's story told @7:39 PM

Cooking at home is a very simple affair. The main thing to remember is to be creative and use whatever ingredients happen to be available that day. Here's a simple recipe for a delicious vegan fried rice..
1) 1 plate of over-night rice, left over from last evening dinner.
2) 4 dried shitakae mushrooms
3) 2 fresh round white mushrooms
4) 3 kangkong stalks or other green vegetables
5) some leaves of white cabbage
6) half a cup of mixed vegetables, carrot cubes, green peas and corn
7) 1 vegetarian sausage
8) 2 stalks of long beans
9) 1 teaspoon vegetarian seasoning powder
10) 1 teaspoon vegetarian ketchup
11) 1 tablespoon soy sauce, light and dark type
12) 2 teaspoon of salt
13) 2 tablespoon of vegetarian cooking oil
1) soak the 4 dried shitakae for 10 minutes till soft.
Cut away the stem, and cut the rest of mushroom in thin slices.
2) cut the round white mushroom in half, then slice the rest.
3) cut the long beans into 1 and half inch pieces, small enough to cook fast.
4) cut the stalk of kangkong into 1 inch pieces, so that it can cook thoroughly in
minimum time. Just tear the leaves into manageable pieces, it will shrink when cook.
5) tear off some leaves of white Chinese cabbage, make it small pieces for easier cooking.
6) cut 1 or 2 small vegetarian sausage into pieces.
7) prepare a bowl of mixed carrot cubes, green peas and corn to add color to dish.
8) pour the vegetarian seasoning powder into a small bowl, add the salt and 1 tablespoon
of light and dark soy sauce each. Add a little bit of water and dissolve the seasoning.
1) Pour some cooking oil into a flat frying pan or use the Chinese wok.
2) heat the oil for a while, then add the soften shitakae mushroom pieces and long beans. Cover the frying
pan to let the mushroom cook a while and avoid the oil spilling out.
3) Add in the cabbage leaves and kangkong. Stir fry for 3 minutes.
4) Add in the mixed veggies, corn, carrots and green peas. Stir fry a while in medium heat.
5) Add in the vegetarian sausages and pour the mixed vegetarian seasoning.
Cover the frying pan and stew the vegetables for 5 minutes.
6) Check that the vegetables are well cooked and the kang kong and cabbage have shrunk in size. Add in the
plate of over-night rice and stir fry throughly to let the rice soak up all the seasoning. The fired rice should
be relatively dry after some frying. Add in more salt or tomato ketchup to taste.
The fried rice should turn from white to a nice golden yellow after soaking up the vegetarian seasoning.
Bon vegan appétit !
Labels: home cooking, recipe, vegan
Lasm's story told @12:09 AM
In Paris, we travelled by metro, since at the Roissy CDG airport, we had to go 25 km inwards towardss Paris, and depending on who you believe in the internet, a taxi trip will cost you between 36 euros and 80 euros, so taxi is oout of the question for us.. As for bus, we had confusing directions given to us by airport staff, so we decided a two days metro ticket is the best value for money.. It will bring us right to the heart of downtown Paris and on top of that, we get to travel anywhere on bus or train free of charge.. for two days at least..
The Paris metro is very complicated and confusing at the same time, with many similar names and stations that appear on one map and not on the other. It seems there are three types of trains in Paris, the regional, high speed bullet train run by SNCF, called the TGV, and the intra Paris metro, of which there are two types, hence two maps. The first type is a single storey short carriage train, which stops at many convenient places in Paris and travels above ground so you can take in the sights as well. The second type of train is two storeys, and have comfortable coach seats, and it travels mostly underground, so you dont get to see anything at street level.
Car rental is out of our budget, as it is not cheap just for 2 days, when bus and train are so easy. They drive on the wrong side of the road, if you are from Asia, United Kingdom or Austrlia, but if you are from USA, then the French drive on the correct side ;-)
When we are in the hotel room, our vegan meal is three veggie cans, a packet of spaghetti and a bottle of tomato ketchup, with a portable electric travelling pot. We cook with mineral water initially until we found the hotel room tap water is actually quite safe for cooking. When on the road touring, we look out mostly for a cuppa cafe and the ever present plain, simple and delicious baguatte. We have foound throughout Paris, the cheapest baguette is about .80 euro, and the most expensive can be 3 euros..
When ordering the cuppa, don't ask for coffee, because they will give you American coffee, which has milk inside, ask for "en cafe" instead, or the plain Expresso. French coffee is good !!
We were very pleased whenever we spotted Vegetarian meals in the menu of the restaurants. So far we found a couple of bars and restaurants serving vegetarian meals, even Subway has a baguatte sandwich that is vegetarian ! We don't take any of these since we already plan on cooking in the hotel room..
While blogging this entry using a linux Asus wireless in our hotel room, we saw the news on CNN about the Australian fire and the greater than hurricane level winds.. More disasters coming around the world.. Please if you read this blog, anywhere in the world.. turn to a vegetarian diet now, it can save you, it can save your loved ones, and it can stop 80% of the global warming..
Be a vegetarian hero now !! The world needs you !
Labels: save the earth, travel
Lasm's story told @4:08 AM
It's 4 degrees C here in Paris.
On the way here, the plane was delayed first by 45 mminutes, then by an incredible 3 and a half hours.. which leaves me wondering is there a strike in France ?
A good thing happened that the delay allowed us to book a hotel room via internet. Upon arrival at Charles de Gaulle, we found the airport is not a good place to book hotels inside Paris, although there are some 4 stars hotels in the airport vacinity. Anyway we found one nice and cheap near where we want to go. It's called Libertel Austerlitz Jardin des Plantes.. what a mouthful..And cheap too ! It cost only 147 euro for 2 nights.. and book on the eve of flight.. Don't do this if you go Paris without hotel booking, you can end up spending a night on the streets, and that is very cold indeed.
We went up Eiffel Tower and Champs Ellysee and Chinatown at Pote de Ivry, looking for a vegetarian restaurant, which unfortunately was closed when we went there, at about 5 pm ! So, being enterprising vegans, we had to resort to plan B, which means a can of spinach, mixed veggies, beans in ketchup sauce These three cans cost about 1.10 euros each. We bought a packet of spaghetti about 4 euros and we are set. We have a small traveller's electric pot, which we use to cook the spaghetti inside our small but comfy hotel room. It has an attahed bathe and free wifi to boot.
Today we toured the museum at Louvre, Notre Dame, Hotel de Ville and Center Pompidou. If you come to Paris, don't ever go to the Pompidou. It cost you 10 euro for a ticket, and it is a plain waste of time. Modern arts ? Oh my God, just some scrambled scrap metals, broken glass bottle and artless painting.... you call that modern art ? Oh mmy God !! We feel like we were being ripped off !! Seriously.. I enjoyed the classic art museum much more.. I think the ancient 18 century paintings are fabulous. The French are very good painters of persons, especially nude bodies, cherubs and angels... very very good indeed.. They also excelled at still life painting, such as fruits.. My God, the grapes are so realistic, almost like a photograph, you can see it painted with such nice techniques, very wonderful..
Tomorrow we'll be off again, and this time we will leave Paris and enter heaven..
Labels: travel
Lasm's story told @2:38 AM
Lunar New Year is officially over today, but for millions of virtuous and noble vegans in the world, every day is a New Year celebration day.

The righteous and noble heroes of our world today, are those brave souls who adopt the vegetarian lifestyle in the effort to save the world, for our future, for our young generation, for the animals, for all sentient beings on Earth.

Wonderful and delicious vegan tofu jacket at Loving Hut. Eat that all beings may live. Live and let live.
Labels: loving hut, suntec
Lasm's story told @11:47 PM
News flash from Supreme Master Television.
The first part of the 5 parts series on Mars, Benevolent Messages from Mars: Be Virtuous and Save the Earth. This series is now showing on "Between Master and Disciples" at
Supreme Master Television as we speak..
While waiting for the transcript to become available, here is a sketch of the exciting but gruesome details of how Mars met its end as revealed by Supreme Master Ching Hai...
Some of the points covered in the first part:
- The destruction of Mars happened 40 million years ago. Most of the Mars people were killed as the end came swiftly, and most of them did not believe that they will die, but they did.
- The Martians die a terrible, agonizing death, a death by suffocation over 4 days
- The two main posionous death gases identified as killing the Martians were Hydrogen Sulphide and Nitrous Oxide. These two gases, together with methane released by livestock raising, killed the Martians.
- The Martians suffered global warming symptoms similar to Earth, the ocean warmed up, releasing poisonous gases, the glaciers melt, releasing poisonous gases
- The first wave of death hit 90 % of the Mars population, including animals. Then after a while, 5% of the population died, and after some more time, another 3.8% perished.
- The initial survivors on Mars amounted to 0.2% or about 2 million. Their number has grown to this day.
- The initial survivors dug underground tunnels and caves, and over a period of 20 years, they found each other, initially by telepathy, and later meeting up physically together to form communities.
- The survivors lived near underground river.
- The survivors lived frugally, re-cycling and also spiritually. They took records to remind their descendants of what happened to Mars.
- Some parts of the underground caves measured 10 meters tall, almost 5 stories high.
- Mars as it is now is beyond repair by any human effort. However nature will heal it over the next 1 million years, when some small shrubs will grow, some weeds, then rivers will form again and so on... so it will take another 1 million years before Mars will become habitable by humans.
Be Veg. Go Green. Save Our Earth.
Labels: mars, news, save the earth
Lasm's story told @12:00 AM
Don't miss the exciting 5 parts series on SupremeMastertv.com "Between Master and Disciples" starting on 7 Feb entitled Benevolent Messages from Mars : Be Virtuous and Save the Earth.
Supreme Master Ching Hai will reveal interesting parallels between Mars catastrophe and Earth's climate change, the last 5 years of Mars, what happened to Mars in the last 2 months, and how 90% of Mars population was killed.
Be Veg. Go Green. Save our World.

Labels: news, save the earth
Lasm's story told @1:04 PM
More of the ingredients of this traditional Lunar New Year salad dish.

Vegetable crackers ! That's one of the food that is being mixed together in the vegan salad dish.

Fresh pomelo fruit is also added to it, along with white chrysanthemum flower.
This dish is easy to prepare and all ingredients are free of animal products. Each ingredient has a nice name to it to symbolize good luck and prosperity in the coming New Year.

The red packets do not contain money, but contain spices such as the Five Spice Powder which is added to the salad toss.
Finally when all is ready, a group of friends or relatives are invited to come over and toss the salad using long chopsticks. The higher the toss the better the luck for the year, so here's wishing everyone turn vegetarian in the Ox year to save the world..
Labels: cooking show
Lasm's story told @12:46 AM
Despite the very tough times now and ahead of us, the economic recession, the daily news about retrenchment, Singaporeans are putting up a brave front to welcome the Lunar New Year with a street parade..

How many people realize beyond the economic cringe faced by all nations in the world today, there is an even greater danger of global warming lurking in the corner, threatening to end all and any joyous festivities..
How many more Chingay parade can Singaporeans look forward to ?
How many people have woken up to the truth about our meat eating habit and how it caused all the climatic and economic problems that we are facing right now ?

These young and energetic faces, so fill of hope. We pray that everyone will wake up and act fast to save the world.
It takes only a very simple step !!

Change your diet. Be a compassionate vegetarian. The goodness from this one noble act will ripple outwards. The way to save the world is in your young hands.
Labels: new year
Lasm's story told @12:20 AM