Glorious Hsihu 金碧辉煌的西湖 Sunday, April 19, 2009

To commemorate the 20th anniversary of Hsihu Center, the new book Celestial Arts was released this year..

We will feature a series of posts starting with this one, to bring you back to the magic and glory of Hsihu..


Hsihu is the most beautiful place on Earth.. It is heaven, because of the spiritual atmosphere bestowed there by the presence of Supreme Master Ching Hai. It was a piece of wasteland, a place where the smell of chicken and pig feceas would overwhelm the visitor.. yet under the guidance and direction of Supreme Master Ching Hai, it was transformed to a place of exceeding beauty and effulgence. It becomes a land of peace, of beauty and inner harmony...

Take a look at these blogs and you will be transported to the land of the fairy tales..


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Supreme Master Television

God's direct contact

God's direct contact (Chinese)

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350 parts per million

Save the environment


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