Happy Arts Deli - Part2 悦艺苑 Wednesday, November 26, 2008

We are back with our food feature, taking a short break from Loving Hut, and now looking at a vegetarian restaurant in Simei.

We have a choice of pre-cooked dishes with rice which is cheaper, but on this occassion, we decided to try the stir fry skills of the Deli Arts kitchen, and so we ordered three slightly more expensive common vegetarian dishes.

If you are vegan, just to remind you when browsing the bakery section, some of the cakes have eggs in them, so just ask before you buy to be sure... You certainly don't want to stain your golden aura with egg yolks, do you ?

The first household dish, which is common home cooking for vegetarians in this part of the world, is the sweet and sour faux fish with cucumber dish. The ingredients include red and green bell peppers and a generous serving of tomato sauce.

The fish is soy protein wrapped around a seaweed skin. You can buy this at the supermarket frozen food section, and do a simple stir fry at home.. The best thing is of course, not just the nice taste but it doesn't have the stinking smell of real seafood or fish. It smells clean and pure !!

The second dish is the vegetarian abalone with spinach in rich vegetarian oyster sauce.

This is another easy stir fry dish, and the faux abalone is easily available from the supermarket or any vegetarian supply store. The spinach can also be replaced with brocolli which young children will like, and sometimes this dish also comes with shitake mushroom which makes it more flavourful.


Lasm's story told @1:51 AM

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