Swine Flu found in live pigs imported into Singapore.. DO NOT EAT MEAT !! Tuesday, October 6, 2009

On Sept 5, Singapore Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) discovered swine flu in live pigs imported into Singapore from Indonesia's Pulau Bulan. Note that the official news media report did not say the live pigs will be killed, which leaves the reader to imagine that these pigs will be allowed into Singapore, on the condition of they being isolated ? Is it the plan to keep infected pigs isolated, wait for the pig fever to subside, then assume all is well, and proceed to slaughter for sale ?

We have no idea what is the handling procedure, but this much is certain.. The desire to eat meat is the cause of the world's problem right now, food shortage, water shortage, deforestation to clear land for livestock grazing, and incurable, novel diseases such as swine flu, bird flu, CJD, MRSA, salmonella, pig's disease PMWS etc etc.

The bottom line is clear. Stay away from MEAT. MEAT is POISON. Do not consume MEAT. Do not support the industry that is creating world-wide pandemic and chaos. STOP buying MEAT. Stop EATING MEAT. MEAT is killing our children, killing our planet, killing our lives.

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